Lessons Learnt, My Journey Now Begins
Hey, My name is Keshawn Holder. i am really enjoying and learning alot since I have been attending the training sessions. What stood out most and had an impact on me was Mr. Hurdle's speech about goals, where he said 10% of people who write down there goals achieve their goals and 90% of people who don't write down their goals find it harder to achieve their goals. After trying this exercise, honestly this put things into perspective for me. Another interesting point made was, 'Excellence is the quality of a man's life it is in direct proportion to his commitment to excellence, regardless of what is his chosen field of endeavor'. This quote in short says to me that no matter what career choice i make just make sure I am the best i possibly can be. This programme inspires me and will give me the necessary tools and experience i need as i go about my journey into the 'world of work' and i promise you i will never forget what i was ta